Can't Agree On An Artwork? 5 Top Tips On Compromising

We've all been there - you fall in love with an artwork, you can't live without it, you WANT it!...but oh oh! your partner/husband/wife doesn't feel the same! Apart from going 3 rounds in the ring, what can you do?  

The answer is compromise!  With this in mind we have put together our 5 Top Tips on helping to see eye to eye!

1) Put Your Case Forward:

Talk to each other! Calmly (if you can!) discuss what each of you likes or dislikes about the artwork. It may be there is just a little thing about the artwork or framing that is causing the problem. Talking it out and picking up the passion about the artwork can often turn a mindset around.

2) Be Prepared To Go With The Flow:

One of you may not be 100% keen on an artwork. The first thing they should ask themselves is,-’Can I live with it?’ If the answer is ‘Yes” then try to go with the flow - especially if one of you loves the artwork and can’t live without it! Bonus Tip: It may be that the boot will be on the other foot in the future!…the doubter will find an artwork they love and their partner is not so keen - a bit of give and take goes a long way!

3) Become Friends First:

Let the artwork become your friend first. Take your time to look at it and understand it, take in all the detail and texture, ask questions about it, find out the artis’s inspiration. Gradually you may fall in love with it and the artwork you thought you didn’t like turns out to be the love of your life!

4). What Do You Agree On?:

It would be great to have a partnership where you agreed on everything (or would that be a bit boring!) ?Look around your home, there must be other things you didn't initially see eye to eye over? Do you both love them now? What did you do to compromise there, maybe that would work again.

5). Stalemate - Agree To Disagree:

If the compromise doesn't happen, and sadly, sometimes it doesn’t, just agree to disagree and move on. But before you go, there are still a couple of last ditch things to try - have a look at other artworks by the same artists, there may be somethng there that you both like. Another option would be to buy that artwork and hang it in a different room - maybe a study or spare bedroom. That way the person who loves it sees it everyday and the doubter can make friends with it! A win/win situation!

We hope that these 5 Top Tips will help you with agreeing on an artwork. Don’t forget, being taken out of your comfort zone is expanding your world - Embrace it!